
Winter hiking tour in the Matschertal valley

General description

Beautiful circular snowshoe hike across the Eisa meadows to the Matscher Alm.

Route description
The starting point for this circular hike is the parking area below the Glieshöfe farms. Slightly out of the valley, follow the marked meadow path to the right until you reach the Thaneihöfe farms. Now you reach the Eisawiesen through forest path no. 8. At the fork in the path, turn right onto the Vinschger Höhenweg. This path leads directly to the Matscher Alm. 
On the way back, follow the Vinschger Höhenweg a little further to the fork in the path. Here you descend via trail no. 2 until you reach starting point. 

Ascent: approx. 2 ½ hours

Refreshments available at the  Matscher Alm alpine pasture from Thursday to Sunday.
Duur 2:05 h
Lengte 6,537 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 365 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 371 hm
Hoogtemeter 2177 m
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Winter wandelkaart
00-finale-winterkarte-oro-ag File size: 12,21 MB
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