
Apricot Dumplings

  • Stir together the butter with the sugar until the mixture begins to foam. Add cottage cheese and gradually stir in the egg yolk and the whole egg. Add vanilla sugar, lemon zest, rum, salt and white bread, and stir briefly. Allow the mixture to cool for about 30 minutes. Form 10 small dumplings and place in the centre of each half an apricot.
  • Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add salt and dumplings and cook with the lid on for 15 minutes over low heat. On the side, mix breadcrumbs, sugar and cinnamon. Drain the dumplings, roll them in the sweetened bread crumbs and serve.

Preparation time: 50 minutes

Garnish with apricot sauce (250 g apricots, cooked and mashed), sliced steamed apricots and sliced strawberries.
(for 10 pieces)
50 g butter, softened
50 g powdered sugar
400 g cottage cheese, well-blended
1 egg yolk
1 egg
1 packet of vanilla sugar
Grated lemon peel
10 g rum 
180 g white bread, crusts removed, grated
5 small apricots
1 pinch of salt, cinnamon sugar

For coating:
80 g breadcrumbs
Icing sugar, cinnamon
Source disclosures: "Köstliches aus dem Vinschgau - Der Geschichte der Vinschger Küche auf der Spur" by Erik Platzer, Oskar Asam, Otto Theiner published by Athesia Publisher
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