
Potato Pasta with Cabbage and Speck

Potato Pasta 
  •  Peel potatoes, cut in half and cook in salted water for about 20-30 minutes, or steam completely, drain and allow to cool for a moment. Mash on a work surface, spreading the potatoes apart and allow to cool completely. Mix well with eggs, melted lard, salt and nutmeg. Use the flour for kneading. 
  • Form tubes of about 5 cm in length and the thickness of a finger, giving a pointed shape to the ends. Cook the pasta in boiling salted water, bring to the boil again, and douse with cold water. After cooling, drain the pasta. 
Val Venosta Cabbage
  • Sauté the onion and butter briefly in a saucepan, add the speck and garlic and sauté lightly. Add the cabbage, season and ass water. Simmer for about 35-40 minutes over medium heat.
To serve
  • Pour potato pasta in the cabbage pot, season and serve

Preparation time: 1 hour
(serves 4) 

Potato pasta
500 g potatoes
2 eggs
20 g melted lard
150 g barley flour
Salt, nutmeg
Some flour to shape potato pasta

Val Venosta Cabbage
400 g Val Venosta cabbage
70 g butter
80 g onion, finely chopped
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
200 g water
1 bay leaf
Salt, white pepper
Source disclosures: "Köstliches aus dem Vinschgau - Der Geschichte der Vinschger Küche auf der Spur" by Erik Platzer, Oskar Asam, Otto Theiner published by Athesia Publisher
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