
Val Venosta Bread Soup

Vegetable Broth 
  • Heat clarified butter in a pan, add the vegetable scraps, allow to cook for taste a few minutes, then add the water. Simmer for about 1 hour, until the broth is reduced to about one litre, strain and salt to taste.
Bread Soup 
  • Dice the onion, fry in clarified butter, add the bread in small pieces, cover with vegetable broth and cook through, stirring in herbs and seasoning with salt.

Val Venosta bread soup can also be prepared with water. In this case it is called “Lottersuppe.”

Preparation time: 35 minutes, excluding making the broth
(serves 4) 

Vegetable broth
30 g clarified butter
300 g vegetable scraps (carrot, onion, celery, leeks, parsley stems and any herbs)
1.5 l of water

Bread Soup
50 g onion
50 g clarified butter
2 large and hard bread from Val Venosta
Parsley, finely chopped
Source disclosures: "Köstliches aus dem Vinschgau - Der Geschichte der Vinschger Küche auf der Spur" by Erik Platzer, Oskar Asam, Otto Theiner published by Athesia Publisher
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