The mild climate around Laces in the central Val Venosta produces ideal conditions for fruit growing. The alternation of sunny days and the cool nights combines to produce high quality crops harvested on the farms that are situated on the high pastures. These also include some of the centuries-old fruit varieties, such as the juicy Venostan apricot or the ubiquitous, health-giving Pala Pear. The most popular processed fruit derivatives include jams, fruit juices, vinegars and spirits. Nevertheless pride of place goes to the crispy local apples.

The Val Martello has a high Alpine microclimate of its own where berries and Alpine herbs can grow in ideal conditions, developing sublime flavours and fragrances. Slow ripening berries cultivated at different altitudes have an extended harvesting period. Besides the high-quality fruit, local Alpine cheeses and breads, including the Venostan rye pair bread, are also much in demand. Local cereals such as wheat, buckwheat, barley and rye are still grown in Val Venosta, which was formerly known as the ‘Granary of Tyrol’. It is also worth noting that the Stallwies Farm in Val Martello (1950 m), located at the highest altitude in all of Europe.