
Oberettes noodles - Bavette with fresh herbs, Ricotta and Sheep’s cheese

Boil pasta until al dente, briefly toss in the coarsely chopped herbs with the olive oil, Datterini and pine nuts or add other nuts as desired as well as a little of the pasta water. To serve, distribute the Ricotta on the pasta and garnish with sheep’s or goat’s cheese.
(serves 4 persons)

- 320 g Bavette
- Good olive oil
- 6 Datterini tomatoes
- one handful of roasted pine nuts
- one heaped tablespoon Ricotta
- grated sheep’s cheese as desired
- one pinch of salt
- one teaspoon each of basil, mountain thyme, sage, rosemary mint, chives, tarragon, oregano or others, depending on taste
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