
Schliniger Alm Alpine pasture - Alp Planbell

The Schliniger Alm is located at 1,868 m above sea level in the Sesvenna mountain group. From the village of Schlinig, you can reach the alp either on foot (even with a stroller), or by bike. In winter, the path is rolled daily, so you do not need winter equipment such as snowshoes or touring skis. It is recommended to take a toboggan for the way back. Offered is a wonderful panoramic view of the valley to the east and the mighty Schwarze Wand with the waterfall to the west. Let yourself be spoiled by the Almgasthaus cuisine and the products of the cheese dairy. The Schliniger Alm is not only a popular destination for families and athletes, but also offers one of the best alpine cheeses of the Upper Vinschgau in the alpine dairy. Opening times: End of May until beginning of November and mid-December to mid-April On reservation the Schliniger Alm is also open in the evening!
19. December - 20. April
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
09:00 - 17:00
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