In the tradition-conscious
marble village of Lasa/Laas, faith and mysticism have always been part of life. Therefore, even today, the Holy Week as part of the Easter season, is one of the most intense periods of the year. The
decoration of the Easter Sepulchre demonstrates this. From the medieval tombs, later in the Baroque period, the holy sepulchres were outfitted with solemn and magnificent scenes, decor and illuminated glass spheres.
As part of the Enlightenment, the Holy sepulchres were banned, and later partially destroyed and forgotten. Since 1989 however, the custom has been revived in the service of the Holy Week liturgy. In the
S. Sisinio church on the Sonta Sinus Pichl hill, one of the oldest churches in Venosta Valley west of Lasa, the Easter grave is set up every year. Since the original tomb of the
Lasa parish church was no longer available, a new one was designed quickly, which can be venerated on Good Friday (from 10 a.m. - 12 a.m. and 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.) and Holy Saturday (from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.).