
Your Autumn Holiday in the Venosta Valley

Insights into culture and lifestyle from September to November

While nature in South Tyrol is colourfully preparing for a long period of rest, the best time to recharge your batteries for the cold season begins here in the Vinschgau Valley. Clear horizons, new paths, surprising encounters and deep insights into culture and lifestyle await the attentive connoisseur – a dialogue with yourself in the abundance and uniqueness of the slower and deeper breathing nature of the Venosta Valley!

Chestnut culture hike along the irrigation channel path

Gastronomy/regional products 9/3/2024 - 10/29/2024 Schlanders/Silandro
Chestnut expert and chairman of the Vinschgau valley chestnut association Max Gögele takes you on a tour of the long history (some are up to 400 years old) and cultivation of chestnut trees in Kortsch/Corzes and Schlanders/Silando and along the Kastanienwaal irrigation channel path before roasting some “Keschtn” to wind down the day in a cozy atmosphere.

Duration: approx. 2 hours
Price: 10 € per person
Registration: T +39 0473 730 155 (Information office Schlanders) until 5 pm the day before
Minimum number of participants: 5 persons
Meeting place: Information office Schlanders
Information office Schlanders - Schlanders/Silandro
Tourism Association Schlanders-Laas
Via Cappuccini 10
Silandro 39028
+39 0473 621615
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Let yourself be inspired by the autumn in the Venosta Valley – Our recommendations
Autumn not only makes nature more colourful, it also makes the days shorter. All the more reason to make the most of them!
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