
Three country Tour Ofenpass

Mals - Taufers - Müstair - Santa Maria - Tschierv - Fuornpass - Zernez - Scuol - Martina - Nauders - Reschen Pass - Graun - Mals

General description

A enjoyable racing bike side trip through the Lower Engadine and the "Oberes Gericht"

Route description
A enjoyable racing bike side trip through the Lower Engadine and the "Oberes Gericht"

Via Mals and Taufers approach the heart of the Swiss National Park, passing the world cultural heritage Convent San John in Mustair until leaving the Umbrail Pass on the left. In the beginning, pass by wonderful, small Romanesque villages such as Santa Maria and Tschierv pass, then master the climb over the Ofenpass (2.150 m). Great scenic impressions are carried away via meadows, forests, starting points for hikes, the lake Ova Spin, impressive gorges, and the Livigno customs station (small counter-climb) to Zernez (1.475 m).
Following the rushing Inn, the route mainly descends to Scuol (1.250 m). Onward, enjoy the Lower Engadine landscapes and houses to the Swiss-Austrian border at Martina (1.050 m). Tackled with the last hairpin bends of the tour, a detour to Austria await. Regain your strength for the ascent over the pass of Norbertshöhe (1.400 m) to Nauders. At the Reschen Pass (1.509 m), spot the Reschen lake with its famous tower and stop for a break. 
From Reschen and Graun to St. Valentin and behind the Haidersee Lake ride with a view of king Ortler towards Burgeis and Mals.
Lengte 128,188 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 2395 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 2395 hm
Hoogtemeter 2161 m
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Stelvio Bike Day
Op de legendarische Stelvio Bike Day gaan honderden gelijkgestemden eind augustus samen op de fiets over de Stilfserjoch pasweg. De beroemde etappe van de Giro d’Italia wordt ook op de Stelvio Bike Day de hele dag afgesloten voor gemotoriseerd verkeer.

Meer informatie vindt u in het Duits, Engels en Italiaans.
Fietsen in het Vinschgau
Op de racefiets of de mountainbike, over almen en panoramaroutes, in het hooggebergte en over single trails terug naar het dal. Natuur en cultuur kun je in het Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol op alle hoogtes met de fiets ontdekken.
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