
Watles natural tobogganing route

General description

Sledging in the Upper Venosta Valley, has a long tradition especially in Watles and is one of the most popular recreational sports for families and enthusiasts. The 4km-long Watles natural tobogganing route of the winter sport area is one of the most beautiful runs in the South Tyrol, which can be reached by chairlift. Active holidaymakers can also reach it by foot in approximately 1.5 hours. There are several family-friendly resting places at the valley and mountain station.

Sledge rental directly at the mountain station of the chairlift

Description to arrive at destination

Attraversando il paesino Burgusio, passando l'Abbazia Monte Maria, fino il villaggio Prämajur. Si vede già il parceggio del centro sciistico Watles

Status open
Duur 1:30 h
Lengte 4 km
Hoogtemeter bergaf 0 hm
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Rodelpartijen met het hele gezin
Iedere winter nodigt de berg Watles uit voor rodelpartijen met het hele gezin op de natuurrodelbaan. Gezinnen krijgen korting op de dagrodelkaart en huurrodel.
Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol – waar de winter een belevenis wordt
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