
Toboggan run Talai

General description

The toboggan run is currently no longer being groomed due to snow conditions!

The toboggan run in the Talai Forest in St. Valentin offers an unforgettable winter experience for the whole family. Located in the picturesque larch forest in the Upper Venosta Valley, this well-prepared track promises fun and adventure over a length of 1.5 km. With a gentle incline and safe curves, it is ideal for tobogganing enthusiasts of all ages. Enjoy the enchanting winter scenery and the fresh mountain air as you glide through the snow-covered forest

Description to arrive at destination

Follow the Vinschger road until S.Valentino/St.Valentin. At the end of the village at the traffic light turn right towards the forest until you reach the car park.

Duur 0:30 h
Lengte 1,5 km
Hoogtemeter bergaf 0 hm
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