
Ski moutaineering to Texelspitze

General description

Starting point: Pfossental Valley, car park Gasthof Jägerrast inn (1,693 m a.s.l)
Ascent: 1,625 m elevation gain, 5-6 hours
Best time: March to mid-June

The Texelspitze is not only well known for its Nature Park but is also very popular because of the wonderful ski touring run. However, the tour is somewhat difficult due to the long climb through the Pfossental valley. After travelling along the forest path on the bottom of the valley for about 5 km you’ll arrive at Maso Gelato/Eishof farm at 2,069 m a.s.l. Take a right here over the stream and southwards, firstly on a sleep slope and then across splendid ridges to arrive at the Texelferner glacier. Cross the glacier, the trail rising in a southerly direction as far as the south-west side of the summit. The final steps to the summit can be taken once you’ve removed your skis. The best descent is by the same route.

For good skiers with Alpine experience

Description to arrive at destination

Merano/Meran - Naturno/Naturns - Schnalstal Valley - Pfossental Valley

Due to weather conditions and the danger of avalanches the road may be closed


in front of Gasthof Inn Jägerrast, to pay, unguarded

Public transport

With the SAD bus line no. 261 to Abzweigung/bivio Val di Fosse/Pfossental

There is no public transoport opportunity in to Pfossental Valley
Lengte 16,273 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1674 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1674 hm
Hoogtemeter 3249 m
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Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol – waar de winter een belevenis wordt
In het Vinschgau genieten vakantiegangers van puur winterplezier. Van eenzame winterwandelingen en skitoeren tot vijf afwisselende en ultramoderne skigebieden voor skiërs, snowboarders en rodelaars, langlaufers en biatleten.
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