Marmotta Trophy
Het Martelltal vallei is bekend om de jaarlijkse internationale "Marmotta Trophy", met een van de spectaculairste routes van de ISMF Skitour Wereldbeker.

Ski moutaineering to Similaun

General description

Starting point: Mountain station Grawand (3,212 m a.s.l) or Refuge Bella Vista (2,842 m a.s.l)
Best time: March to May
Degree of difficulty: for good skiers with Alpine experience

Day 1 ascent: 600 m elevation gain, 4 hours
The same ascent route as ski tour to the Ötzi discovery site; the trail then takes you downhill on the Niederhochferner glacier and briefly uphill to the Refuge Similaun (3,019 ma.s.l).

Day 2 ascent: 600 m elevation gain, 2 hours
The ascent goes from the Similaun lodge to Similaun in a south-easterly direction over the Niederjochferner glacier, rising only slightly to begin with but becoming steeper, up to a narrow and often monitored summit ridge.

Descent A: descend back along the ascent route.

Descent B: eastwards to the Similaunjoch pass and then northwards over the Marzellferner glacier to the Mountain hut Martin-Busch and on to Vent (A)

Descent C: eastwards to the Similaunjoch pass and then southwards over the Grafferner glacier and Graftal Valley to Inn Jägerrast  (Vorderkaser) in the Pfossental Valley.

Of the 3 options, descent C (down into the Pfossental Valley) is highly recommended but only in good conditions.

Description to arrive at destination

Naturno/Naturns - Schnalstal Valley - Maso Corto/Kurzras


parking place in front of the village Maso Corto/Kurzras in summer to pay, unguarded; in winter free, unguarded

Public transport

with the SAD bus line no. 261 to Maso Corto/Kurzras

Lengte 20,495 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1422 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 2928 hm
Hoogtemeter 3594 m
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Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol – waar de winter een belevenis wordt
In het Vinschgau genieten vakantiegangers van puur winterplezier. Van eenzame winterwandelingen en skitoeren tot vijf afwisselende en ultramoderne skigebieden voor skiërs, snowboarders en rodelaars, langlaufers en biatleten.
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