
Pharmacy trail

Path no. 20

General description

The pharmacy trail on the Monte Sole mountain from the year 2017 is a special gift by the Lasa pharmacist Sigrid Haller on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the opening.

Route description

From the sports field on the state road in Lasa, the path no. 20 leads to the "Loretz Boden", where the Pharmacy trail starts. Westward through the "Laaser Leiten" along the partly narrow path to the cattle drinkers under the onyx breaks. The Monte Sole mountain is low in precipitation and dry, so fascinating is the variety of medicinal herbs, such as rosehip, juniper, sea buckthorn, yarrow, thyme. Benches invite to enjoy the panorama.

Description to arrive at destination

Coming from Reschen or Meran to the sports field on the state road in Laas


The car can be parked at the sports field parking place.

Public transport

By the Venosta train to Laas, from there continue on foot to the sports field (ca. 20 minutes).
For more information on the timetables, see www.suedtirolmobil.info

Duur 0:50 h
Lengte 2,723 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 132 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 132 hm
Hoogtemeter 1001 m
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