
To the Berghütte Maseben Mountain Hut

Idyllic winter hike in Vallelunga

The hike to the Berghütte Maseben starts in Kappl, at the valley station of the decommissioned chair lift above the Karlinbach stream. The road, used by the Hagglunds BV206 snowcat to take visitors to the mountain hut, leads into the valley. On this path, continue right at the first fork, upwards at the mountain pasture trail to the Maseben Alm alpine pasture and further up to the Berghütte Maseben mountain hut.
Tip: Ambitious hikers follow the course of the former downhill valley run. It starts at the bridge with a fairly steep ascent and runs along side the Maseben Alm like a band up to the tree line with the Berghütte Maseben.
Duur 1:30 h
Lengte 3,6 km
Hoogtemeters bergop 410 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 10 hm
Hoogtemeter 2265 m
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Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol – waar de winter een belevenis wordt
In het Vinschgau genieten vakantiegangers van puur winterplezier. Van eenzame winterwandelingen en skitoeren tot vijf afwisselende en ultramoderne skigebieden voor skiërs, snowboarders en rodelaars, langlaufers en biatleten.
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