
Winter hike Fragges – Prader Alm - Furkelhütte

From Fragges to the Furkelhütte mountain hut via the Prader Alm Alpine farm.

General description

Looking to fill your lungs with wonderfully pure air amidst wild and romantic scenery? You’ve come to the right place! This circular Alpine pasture hike in the heart of Stilfserjoch National Park starts at the “Fragges” wildlife reserve, leading through forests and Alpine meadows to the Prader Alm Alpine farm and the Furkelhütte mountain hut. In the untamed surroundings of Stilfserjoch National Park, quiet hikers have every chance of experiencing the local wildlife.

Route description

Departing from the car park at the “Fragges” wildlife reserve, you begin by following a pleasant trail that leads through the forest to Platzbach stream. Once you have reached the other side of the stream, making gradual progress towards the tree line, you then ascend up a steep and somewhat demanding trail: this brings you to the Prader Alm Alpine farm (2,051 m) in around one and a half hours. Here, you can savour fantastic views of the Ortler mountain before making your way to the Furkelhütte mountain hut in a little over thirty minutes. Take a break and tuck in to a hearty meal out on the hut’s sun terrace while enjoying the view of the 3,000 m peaks, then follow the same trail back down to the original starting point.

Description to arrive at destination

From Spondinig/Spondigna via Stilfserjoch pass road SS 38 to Gomagoi, then right to Stilfs/Stelvio.
Keep following the signs for “Wildgehege – Fragges” [Fragges wildlife reserve] until you reach the car park (at the reserve itself).
It is approx. 12 km to Fragges wildlife reserve.


Public car park at Fragges wildlife reserve.

Safety instructions

All the informations about the hike is without guarantee. Hiker should look at the weather forecast and plan the tour as best as possible. 

Status open
Duur 2:10 h
Lengte 6,709 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 401 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 401 hm
Hoogtemeter 2152 m
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Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol – waar de winter een belevenis wordt
In het Vinschgau genieten vakantiegangers van puur winterplezier. Van eenzame winterwandelingen en skitoeren tot vijf afwisselende en ultramoderne skigebieden voor skiërs, snowboarders en rodelaars, langlaufers en biatleten.
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