
Snow Shoe Trail mountain pasture Bergl

Trail from Maso Corto/Kurzras: no 4 and 5 Trail from Koflhöfe farmsteads: no 5 Return: no 5 and 4 or n0 13 to Gerstgras Hotel and Busstop

General description

The untouched Lagauntal, one of the most beautiful valleys in South Tyrol, and the mountain pasture Bergl are also a popular place of excursions in winter. You hike through a snowy, idyllic high mountain landscape with extensive larch forests.

Route description

The entrance for the way to the mountain pasture Bergl is at the valley station of the cable car Lazaun in Maso Corto/Kurzras. Alternatively, you can also start from the farmsteads Kofel Höfe (700 m before Maso Corto/Kurzras, bus station). From Maso Corto the first part is along the winter hiking trail to Gerstgras. Continue crossing through the sun kissed-meadows below the farmstead Wieshof in the direction of the light forest. Above the farmsted Kofel Höfe turn right and follow the path into the forest. After approx. 40 minutes you have reached the beautiful Lagaun Valley. From there following the same path to the mountain pasture Bergl. The way back is the same or you descend the steep, sometimes icy path to Gerstgras.

Duration from Maso Corto approx. 2.5 hours
Duration from the farmsteads Kofel Höfe approx. 1.45 hours

Description to arrive at destination

Naturno/Naturns - Schnalstal Valley - Maso Corto/Kurzras


Parking place in front of the village Maso Corto/Kurzras, in summer to pay, unguarded; in winter free, unguarded

Public transport

with the SAD bus line no. 261 to Maso Corto/Kurzras

Duur 2:46 h
Lengte 6,817 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 284 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 488 hm
Hoogtemeter 2288 m
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Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol – waar de winter een belevenis wordt
In het Vinschgau genieten vakantiegangers van puur winterplezier. Van eenzame winterwandelingen en skitoeren tot vijf afwisselende en ultramoderne skigebieden voor skiërs, snowboarders en rodelaars, langlaufers en biatleten.
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