
The Laces Climbing Crag

General description

At the Laces rock-climbing crag practice wall, beginners can try their hand at the easiest climb, the ‘Alpingeschichte’, while the more advanced would prefer the ‘Laces Vegas’ course. In total, there are 78 different climbs with strips, holes and plates, all positioned on the compact gneiss. On the ‘Alpingeschichte’ course, the names have a specific meaning. The various practice climbs are intended to represent some of the great Alpine mountain climbing courses.

Attention: Laces climbing crag closed!
Due to urgent maintenance work, the two sectors "Latsch Vegas" and "Alpingeschichte" will remain closed until further notice.

Description to arrive at destination

Along the state road up to Laces.

Attention: Laces climbing crag closed!
Due to urgent maintenance work, the two sectors "Latsch Vegas" and "Alpingeschichte" will remain closed until further notice.
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Tips voor gezinnen: Hochseilgarten Allitz
De klimtuin in Laas, midden in het Litzer Waldele-bos, staat voor een echt avontuur in de natuur. In het klimbos kunnen jong en oud wedstrijden tegen elkaar doen bij verschillende klimoefeningen of hun eigen moed testen in de boomtoppen op 25 meter hoogte op 8 verschillende parcours.
Voor informatie en boekingen kunt u contact opnemen met Maschler Georg. Tel. +39 38 04 20 67 29, www.bergerlebnisse.com (website in Duits)

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