
Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail

Stage 4: Closure from the junction with hiking trail no. 7, location "Tappein", to the entrance of the Schlandrauntal valley until further notice.

General description

The Val Venosta Alpine Ridgeway (Vinschger Höhenweg) in the Lower Vinschgau valley, from Stava/Staben to the source of the Etsch river at the Reschen Pass where three countries meet, is a true experience for passionate hikers. The stretch totals 108 km and follows existing and new footpaths, paths alongside "Waale" (historic irrigation canals) and connecting roads between farms.

The Alpine Ridgeway unites various stages that can be hiked as part of a multi-day tour or as a one-day excursion. The individual stages are easily accessible via access points in the villages in the valley. In order to help hikers keep their bearings, the entire Alpine Ridgeway is marked with a uniform red logo.

It is a truly remarkable experience to hike through the species-rich vegetation and impressive world of nature that could not be more filled with contrast. The trails on the Sonnenberg mountain feature diverse vegetation such as steppe grass and herbs. They also offer exciting views of the highest mountains in South Tyrol and the fertile valley below.

The best time for the hike is from April to October, although one should be aware that it can be very hot in summer.

Tip: special rates for the Val Venosta Alpine Ridgeway are available (B&B including luggage transport, hiking map of the ridgeway, return transport to the starting point).

Route description

The various stages:
Stage 1 – From Staven to San Martino al Monte (Laces)
Stage 2 – From San Martino al Monte (Laces) to Tanas (Lasa).
Stage 3 – From Tanas (Lasa) to the Glieshöfe farms in Mazia (Malles)
Stage 4 – From the Glieshöfe farms in Mazia (Malles) to the hamlet Monteschino (Tarces)
Stage 5 – From Monteschino (Tarces) to Planol (Malles)
Stage 6 – From Planol (Malles) to the source of the Etsch river at the Reschen Pass

More information: www.vinschgau.net

Duur 33:34 h
Lengte 106,3 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 4852 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 3842 hm
Hoogtemeter 2215 m
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