
Weißkugel Peak

The “Queen” of the Ötztal Alps

General description

Starting point of this glacier tour is the Weißkugel hut, which can be reached from the Melag/Langtaufers car park via trail nr. 2 in about 2 hours. From the Weißkugel Hut, the route heads east across the moraine slope slightly downhill to Langtauferer Ferner. With the appropriate glacier equipment follow the Ferner towards the Langtauferer Joch and in a right bend at the foot of the Langtauferer Spitze further up to the Weißkugel Joch (3,368 m). The now following steep ascent over the eastern flank has to be approached with special caution, because depending on the snow conditions there can be bare ice. Below the summit you reach the north ridge with a wonderful view to Langtaufers. From there it is only a few meters to the beautiful summit cross of the Weißkugel.

Status open
Duur 4:00 h
Lengte 6,2 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1186 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 54 hm
Hoogtemeter 3672 m
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