
Elfer peak

General description

Magnificent panoramic mountain hike overlooking the Resia Pass holiday area. From Haideralm/Malga S. Valentino, north-eastwards on the path signposted no. 9, follow the mountain path towards Schöneben/Belpiano until the beautiful viewpoint at the “Rote Eck” at 2,299m. Walk further north to the signpost showing the junction westward to the Elfer mountain via the path signposted no. 9. Initially over slopes covered in flowers, becoming steeper as you approach the Hoaderschartl ridge at 2,743m. Sure-footedness is needed for the northward walk across the rocky and partially exposed ridge ending at the flat summit, which presents a magnificent panoramic view. The descent follows the same route as the one going up.
Alternative: Start the hike from the valley following the path signposted no. 9 from St. Valentin to the Haideralm, for approximately two hours.

Duur 4:00 h
Lengte 6,7 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 776 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 776 hm
Hoogtemeter 2925 m
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