
Panoramic Trail Solda

If you want to experience a hike with a wonderful view, you should take the panoramic circuit trail in Solda.

General description

The panoramic circuit trail in Solda/Sulden is a beautiful walk of about 7 km in length in the valley floor of Solda, which is also suitable for baby strollers. The promenade runs evenly, almost without any difference in altitude, and passes by 12 cultural places and museums that tell the history of tourism in the Ortles area from the pioneering days until today. The promenade can be walked along all year round.

Route description

The panoramic circuit trail can be started at the tourist office in Solda. Pass the old church and continue towards the end of the valley to the cable car. There you change to the left side of the valley. After you have reached the Ortler Mountain Museum, the valley side changes again. Following the signs nr. 8 you will come back to the starting point.
The promenade runs along the right side of the valley on path no. 6 and along the left side of the valley on path no. 7 and at the end on path no. 8.

Description to arrive at destination

From Spondigna/Spondinig via the street to the Stelvio Pass SS 38 to Gomagoi, then left to Solda. At the beginning of the village is the parking area behind the Hotel Bambi. 

From Spondigna to the parking area is it approx. 20 km.


In order to get to the starting point of the circuit trail in Solda, the parking area at the beginning of the village is the most suitable.

Public transport

If you do not want to travel to Solda by private car, you can use the pubblic transport. With the bus line 271 you get to Solda in about half an hour. The bus stop is located directly at the tourist office Solda.

Safety instructions

Hiker should look at the weather forecast and plan the tour as best as possible. 

Status open
Duur 2:32 h
Lengte 8,038 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 424 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 424 hm
Hoogtemeter 2021 m
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