
Glacier nature trail

General description
Starting from the Melager Alm alpine pasture, this glacier nature trail provides an informative route to the Weißkugelhütte mountain pasture. The first of a total of twelve information boards is located near the mountain hut. From here, follow the signposted path along the valley to the pine and larch forest. The nature trail continues over a moraine hill covered by ice until 120 years ago. To the left of the glacial stream you encounter striking brown-red rocks. After crossing the geological formations, you reach the most easterly point at the foot of the Langtauferer Ferner glacier. From here the nature trail turns to the north-west and soon you arrive at the Weißkugelhütte mountain hut. The descent follows path no. 2.
Note: The trail leads through high alpine terrain and requires you to be sure footed. It is necessary to wear high alpine clothing and footwear.

This high-altitude track requires considerable hiking knowledge, and is recommended only in good weather conditions above the tree line.

Duur 3:00 h
Lengte 8 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 580 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 580 hm
Hoogtemeter 2543 m
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