
Alpine pastures tour Laces

General description

It is best to take the challenging 20.5 km long tour of the Laces and Tarres Alpine pastures between early June and early October.

Route description

Form the IceForum (Ice STadium) in Laces take the path no. 4 on the left through the beautiful thick woods area till one reaches the forest motor road. It goes up this way high up to the Malga di Laces, at the woods way up to the Mountain Restaurant Malga di Tarres. From there the way no. 1 runs through a beautiful piece of wood and soon you reach the valley station of the chairlift. Go the same way back to Tarres, and then you can get into the Raminiwaal comfortably.

Duur 8:00 h
Lengte 20,182 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1310 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1310 hm
Hoogtemeter 1911 m
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