
Dolomites view (Variant)

General description

A popular, medium-length and panoramic circular hike at the Sun Mountain of Laces

Route description

The big tour to “Dolomites view” is a fantastic alpine tour with splendid views. This tour starts at the mountain station and takes you eastwards on the Val Venosta high mountain trail. You first hike on an asphalt road and later continue on a broad forest road. Be inspired by the many different flowers, butterflies and birds on the way to the “Dolomites view” viewpoint. Go until the Platztair snack bar where you have to take the path up the mountain to the “Dolomites view”. After a short steep ascent you continue on a pleasant path to reach “Dolomites view” and will be overwhelmed by the view.

Duur 2:30 h
Lengte 6,222 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 250 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 250 hm
Hoogtemeter 1945 m
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