
Attraction Plima Gorge

General description

The Plima Gorge, cut deep into the rock over thousands of years, is a narrow, impressive gorge at the foot of Monte Cevedale with almost vertical walls finely polished by iced water. Today, it presents itself as a natural arena for visitors looking for unique natural spectacles.

Route description

The starting and finishing point is at the parking area at the end of the valley, from there you go to the first vantage point, the "trowel", visitors can climb down safe steps and experience the thunder of the water, the spray as well as the sides of finely polished rock faces from the edge of the trowel.
The second vantage point, the "
panoramic crescent", offers an open panoramic view of the opposite mountain peaks, Rifugio Nino Corsi, towards Hotel Paradiso and out of the valley.The steps of the "observation pulpit" take the visitor from the vegetation up beyond the edge. The vertical view into the gorge conveys a sense of weightlessness.
The fourth building at the end, the suspension bridge enables you to cross the gorge at a dizzy height between the two banks. The bridge is designed in a way that it can be principally used all around the year.   
This is a direct connection to the "Rifugio Nino Corsi/Zufhüthütte", to the dam, the "Bau", now on the left side of the canyon until you come back to the parking lot.

Duur 2:15 h
Lengte 6,108 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 260 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 260 hm
Hoogtemeter 2308 m
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