
Piz Lad peak

General description

The hike begins at the car park (1,729 m) of the Rescher Alm mountain pasture in the Rojental valley. The car park is on the right side of the street. From here you follow trail no. 4 for about an hour to the Rescher Alm mountain pasture at 2.000 m (refreshments available). Continue past the pasture, along the military path, until trail no. 5 branches off to the left. This leads up to the summit of the Piz Lad at 2,180 metres. This mountain lies between Austria, Italy and Switzerland. It promises a wonderful view of the Lake Resia as well as the Grüner See and Schwarzer See in Nauders. The border triangle is 700 metres to the north, below the summit cross, at 2,180 metres. Back to the valley you can take the ascent route or the southern ridge towards Grubenjoch. Shortly before, the path leads down to the left in hairpin bends and joins the ascent route halfway. Magnificent views in all directions and with some luck you can see some ibexes.

Duur 5:30 h
Lengte 15 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 1091 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1077 hm
Hoogtemeter 2814 m
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