

The leisurely hiking trail "Naturaronda" is an adventure trail which offers the possibility to experience the Solda valley intensively in a natural way.

General description

The valley end of Solda/Sulden forms a particularly fascinating natural scenery due to its exposure and wilderness at 2000 m above sea level. Forest, pastures, scree, glaciers, rocks and torrents shape the appearance. This wild and romantic beauty provided the inspiration for the responsible persons to create offers, which gives the locals and guests the opportunity to experience the valley of Solda in an intensively natural way. Therefore, the idea was born to build a water and nature facility, a suspension bridge and an adventure path in the middle of the Stelvio National Park, under the name "NATURAronda", which means to make a tour in nature and enables a mental and physical well-being. The Naturaronda consists of the bear bath, EVOPÄD and the suspension bridge.

Attention: the bear bath is closed at the moment!

Route description

The Naturaronda starts at the EVOPÄD next to the Kanzel chair lift. Following the training course to the bear bath at the end of the valley, it continues to the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge connects trail nr. 2 to the Hintergrathütte with trail nr. 1 to the Madritsch- and Schaubachhütte. Then it goes back to the starting point.

Description to arrive at destination

From Spondigna/Spondinig via the street to the Stelvio Pass SS 38 to Gomagoi, then left to Solda. From Spondigna to the parking area is it approx. 20 km.


In order to get to the starting point of the Naturaronda, the parking area at the Kanzel chair lift is the most suitable.

Public transport

If you do not want to travel to Solda by private car, you can use the pubblic transport. With the bus line 271 you get from Prato allo Stelvio/Spondigna to Solda in about half an hour. The bus stop is located directly at the tourist office Solda, from there it's approx. 5 min. by foot to the Kanzel chair lift.

Safety instructions

All the informations about the hike is without guarantee. Hiker should look at the weather forecast and plan the tour as best as possible.

You should avoid the path from the suspension bridge to the EVOPÄD, if you are with children.

Duur 2:13 h
Lengte 7,08 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 358 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 358 hm
Hoogtemeter 2195 m
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Hike sterven door Prader Sand
Eén keer per week wordt een begeleide gezinswandeling (ook mogelijk met buggy) door het spectaculaire waterrijke landschap Prader Sand aangeboden. De makkelijke wandeling door het natuurlijke aangeslibde land bij de rivierdelta van de Suldenbach geeft inzicht in de unieke flora en fauna van Prad.
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