
Resia Lake Round

General description

This route is suitable for a leisurely excursion, for families, and for mountain bike or e-bike tours for warm-up. The Resia lake can be cycled in both directions. Almost exclusively on asphalt, start along the cycle and gravel path from the famous church tower in Graun northwards to Reschen - past the sailing boats waiting for wind. Don't cycle straight forward to the Austrian state border. Instead, follow the cycle path in Reschen towards the western lakeside, past the Schöneben valley station, and calmly tackle the incline along the lake. The route is leisurely - until the southern lakeside with the dam wall and there is a fantastic view over the Malser Haide and King Ortler (3,905 m). At the dam, turn north and enjoy the panorama with the lake and the approaching mountains back to Graun. If the wind is strong, kiters and sailors can be spotted on Lake Reschen. There are cozy stops along the lake at the Sciuri at the Schöneben valley station, at the taverns Greinhof and Giernhof, at the new kitestation or at the businesses in Reschen and Graun.

Lengte 15,2 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 70 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 70 hm
Hoogtemeter 1557 m
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