
Bike excursion at the Marzoner Alm pasture

General description

Have a look at the new bike tour to the Marzoneralm around Castelbello-Ciardes.

Route description

From the Etschbrücke bridge in Tschars (at the Winkler Inn) the uphill trail no. 2
to the Marzoner Alm mountain pasture leads with a slight incline past various
farms up to Tomberg, and continues on to the Zirmtal intersection. There the
trail turns right in order to reach, by means of another climb, the Marzoner
Alm mountain pasture (1.600 m). The first 8.3 km are paved and the rest of the
route is along a gravel path. Than you can follow the street to Montefranco and then to Castelbello.

Lengte 25,079 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 1094 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1094 hm
Hoogtemeter 1603 m
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Fietsen in het Vinschgau
Op de racefiets of de mountainbike, over almen en panoramaroutes, in het hooggebergte en over single trails terug naar het dal. Natuur en cultuur kun je in het Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol op alle hoogtes met de fiets ontdekken.
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