
Three-mountain hut hike at Monte Tramontana

General description

The three-mountain hut hike to Malga di Marzon, Malga Zirmtal and Malga di Montefontana/Malga Alt at Castelbello's Monte Tramontana is a very special mountain hut experience.

Route description

If you start at the "Schartegg" parking, follow path no. 4 and then path no. 18A to Malga Tomberger/Alt Alm. Continue on the same path until Malga Zirmtal with the Zirmtal lakes. Descend on path no. 18 towards "Schweinstall" until Malga di Marzon. Return to your starting point on the "mountain hut path" and on path no. 9A to the Malga Tomberger/Alt Alm


If you start at the "old sawmill" parking, follow the large forest road no. 7 until Malga di Marzon. Continue on path no. 18 to Malga Zirmtal and on path no. 18A to Malga Tomberger/Alt Alm. Return to Malga di Marzon on the "mountain hut path" and take the forest road no. 7 back to your starting point at the "old sawmill" parking.

Description to arrive at destination

To the traffic light turn left, pass the Hotel Kesslwirt, over the Adige Bridge towards Tomberg. Follow the paved road to get to a wide forest road that leads directly to the parking area "Schartegg".


Castelbello center, right uphill to Montefranco. After the last farms a small road (no pavement) bring you to the to the parking lot " vecchia segheria".



"Schartegg" parking | "old sawmill" parking

Opening hours
The Marzoner Alm and the Latschiniger Alm are open until the end of october, the Tomberger Alm is open until 20 October 2024

Duur 4:00 h
Lengte 9,7 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 735 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 742 hm
Hoogtemeter 2153 m
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