
Visitor centre avimundus

General description

The visitor centre avimundus in Silandro/Schlanders is entirely devoted to the bird kingdom of the Stelvio Pass. A permanent exhibition offers visitors an overview of the world of birds in the National Park, and selected bird species are clearly presented and assigned to their respective habitats. Visitors are given extensive information about the breeding and rearing, and on bird voices and their songs.

Description to arrive at destination

Village center Silandro, at the western beginning of the pedestrian zone.


on foot
by car - bublic parking nearby
by train - from the station Schlanders/Silandro with the Citybus to the Stop "Rathaus/Municipio"
accessible for people with disabilities

27. december - 31. maart
Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa
09:30 - 12:30
27. december - 31. maart
Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa
14:30 - 17:30
02. mei - 31. oktober
Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa
09:30 - 12:30
02. mei - 31. oktober
Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa
14:30 - 17:30
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