
Latscher Panorama Trail

General description

A fireworks of trails for experts with head for heights due to exposed S3-G5 passages at the Laces panoramic trail. S2 at the successive Propain trail.

The name of the Laces panoramic trail says it: the panorama is amazing. But this trail is also simply marvelous as it includes everything from technical and exposed passages with hairpins to flowing forest trails and stepped passages. Start at the mountain station of San Martino in Monte (1,740 m). First take the asphalt road and then the gravel hiking path no. 14. After about 2.5 km, the actual trail begins shortly after the Egghof.
Please note: There is a time regulation from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for hikers only!
The partially rather exposed path with some technical passages takes you along the slope passing by the Laggar and Zuckbichl ruins. You will be overwhelmed by the wonderful panorama again and again. After a few flow sections, steep hairpins and a short stretch where bikes have to be carried (S3-S4) you get to a forest road and can start the propain trail shortly after Patsch.

The trail becomes more flowing but with many narrow turns on the beautiful trail floor of Val Venosta’s Sun Mountain. The sunny slope declines sharply near the trail and clearings offer views of the apple orchards and the fantastic mountain world. This trail section of 550 depth meters was built with a width of 80 cm and thus offers security to beginners and leaves space for speed and airtime to experts. If you don’t want to get off the bike, a good turn technique and back wheel lifting are required in narrow turns. You can stop for a refreshment with view at Fisolgut near Castel Schlandersberg with a few extra meters.

Several “Share the Trail” sections are marked. The rest of trail no. 14 as well as trail no. 7 are for hikers only!


Share the Trail!

Lengte 2,75 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Moeilijkheidsgraad S3
Hoogtemeters bergop 50 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 250 hm
Hoogtemeter 1715 m
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MTB-kaartenset van Val Venosta
De driedelige MTB-kaartenset van Val Venosta geeft informatie over meer dan 100 tours aangegeven (incl. info over de bodemgesteldheid), van Resia/Reschen naar Tel/Töll, van de Ofenpas tot aan het Tiroler Oberland en het Stilfserjoch-gebied.
Ride Fair is een samenwerkingsverband van een aantal shuttle-bedrijven. Deze coöperatie werd in Midden-Vinschgau opgericht en ontwikkeld om de natuur zo veel mogelijk te ontzien en de trails op duurzame wijze te onderhouden. De vier shuttle-bedrijven die aan het project deelnemen zijn Bike Südtirol, Freeride Vinschgau, Mobil Car en Vinschgau Shuttle.
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