
Mountain farmer trail

General description

The trail passes through the varied natural and cultural landscape of the district Waldberg, courts and private land, where people get an insight into the work and the life of the inhabitants.

The walk starts at the "Niederhof", from there follow the forest road to the "Oberhof", where the path no.26 leads uphill through the forest. This path leads up to the crossing path no.24A, where the family hike continues left to the "Suachbichl". Now it goes on at the path no.15A back to the path no.15, this path leads to an unlabeled but highly visible way again down to the trail no.15.
You walk past the "Stallwies- and Greithof" and from there follow the marking 15A. Once the path leads out of the forest, the trek continues left and returns through the forest path no.8 back to "Niederhof".

Duur 3:00 h
Lengte 7 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 430 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 430 hm
Hoogtemeter 1650 m
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De Plimaschlucht-kloof: Beleef de kracht van de natuur van dichtbij
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