
Circular path Malga di Tarres-Variante C

General description

Exciting family hike at Laces‘ Monte Tramontana. After the chairlift ride you can discover the Malga di Tarres family circular route characterized by meadows, forests, rustic trees and mystic mythical characters.

You can choose from three different variants to discover the Malga di Tarres circular route. Variant A (easy) starts at the mountain station of the chairlift and leads through the forest and over wooden footbridges until above the Malga di Tarres mountain hut where you can sit on a Hollywood swing and enjoy the view of the valley.

Variant B starts at the same starting point and takes you through the forest to a small idyllic riverbed. It's as if you walked through a fairyland in an almost untouched environment. From there follow the signs across steep meadows towards Malga di Tarres.

Variant C is the most demanding one and always starts at the same starting point. After the riverbed you climb the so-called “Zirmruan“. You are already above the timberline and the surrounding stone giants show you how small you are. Once at the top, you have an invaluable view of the holiday area and of Val Venosta. A path through a mystical forest takes you down to the starting point with refreshment places with typical specialities.
From Laces, drive to Tarres, through the village to the large car park at the valley station of the chairlift.
Public transport
By train to Laces and from Laces by bus to the valley station of the Tarres alp chairlift.
Duur 1:37 h
Lengte 4,68 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 363 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 363 hm
Hoogtemeter 2271 m
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De Plimaschlucht-kloof: Beleef de kracht van de natuur van dichtbij
Langs de kloof de Plimaschlucht lopen oude paden, van de brug bij Hotel Paradiso tot bovenaan, bij de oude stuwdam. Deze route is voor elke gemiddeld getrainde wandelaar makkelijk begaanbaar. De Plima-Schluchtenweg-route kent vier met veel aandacht voor details gebouwde haltes: de Kelle (pollepel), de Sichel (sikkel), de Kanzel (kansel) en de hangbrug. De route vormt dan ook een zeer spectaculaire ervaring.
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