
Latschander irrigation channel path

General description

The zigzag shaped Latschander irrigation channel path in between Laces and Castelbello was created in 1872/1873 and provides an ideal walk for the whole family. Those who wish to stroll along the entire irrigation channel trail should allow approximately 2.5 hours to do so.

Route description
Start in Castelbello at the village square with the fountain, pass by the municipal hall and go westwards towards Castelbello Castle. Pass by the castle and follow the steep road that takes you to the access of the Latschander irrigation channel path (no. 3). At first, the path crosses orchards and vineyards and later winds its way through a seemingly wild landscape above the Adige riverbed and the state road to Laces (possibility to desend) and then to Tiss/Coldrano.
Description to arrive at destination
By car to the car park at Castelbello train station (free parking)
train station Castelbello
Public transport
Coming from Meran or Mals with the Vinschgau train to the train station in Castelbello
Duur 2:00 h
Lengte 7 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 50 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 50 hm
Hoogtemeter 640 m
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