
Church "Santa Maria in Colle"

General description

In 1992 in the church "Unsere liebe Frau auf dem Bichl" the in Laces standing stone (3.300-2.200 B.C.) was found during restoration work by the State Monument Authorities. The stele, which is made from the finest Vinschgau marble, formed the supporting surface of the altar table. The top and bottom parts as well parts of the left upper side of the 107 cm high, 77 cm wide and 12 cm thick stone are missing. It was probably originally located around where the current church stands on the hill and would thus have been visible from afar. As well as the iconic features common to all the male engraved stones from the Etsch valley group, such as scalloped belts, axes, daggers, clubs, bows, various decorative elements and fringed capes, elements are present that belong to the Lombardy group from Val Camonica and Valtellina, such as suns, deer and stylised male figure. Thus the in Laces standing stone is great proof of the ancient connection of the Vinschgau and the Etsch valley and the valleys of north-eastern Lombardy.

Description to arrive at destination

Along the state road up to Laces.

Can be visited as part of the cultural village tour in Latsch every Wednesday (April-October) at 10 a.m. Reservation until 9 a.m. on the day of the event on +39 0473 623 109
Opening hours: 1 april - 31 oktober
10:00 - 12:00
Church "Santa Maria in Colle"
Piazza Principale 14
39021 Latsch/Laces
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Dag van de romaanse kunst
Het Vinschgau en het naburige Müstair zijn de thuisbasis van enkele van de oudste kerken en fresco's van Europa. Op de dag van de romaanse kunst openen de romaanse cultuurplaatsen elk jaar hun deuren en geven inzicht in een fantastische cultuurperiode van 700 tot 1300 na Chr.

Meer informatie vindt u in het Duits, Engels en Italiaans.
Ervaar de cultuur en gebruiken in Vinschgau
Met zijn kastelen, middeleeuwse klooster- en stadsmuren en levendige tradities is het zonnige Vinschgau vakantiegebied voor gezinnen die tijdens hun vakantie plezier en cultuur zoeken.
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