
Rasass Peak

General description

Beatiful Peak of the mountain group Sesvenna in Schlinig with a beautiful landscape.

Route description

Starting point for the hike to the Rasass peak is Schlinig/ Slingia, where the trail leads past Schlinigeralm alpine pasture and past the refuge Sesvennahütte. Moving on to the pass of Schlinig/ Slingia and to the Murmentensee lake. Already up to here, the hike offers a fascinating view of the Ortles group. For experienced mountain hikers, this summit poses no problems, although the last part requires a certain degree of surefootedness. Arrived on top, the mountaineer has a fantastic view over the entire valley. The way back is along the same path.
Refreshments: refuge Sesvennahütte, Schlinigeralm alpine pasture, in the restaurants in Schlinig/ Slingia

Duur 7:00 h
Lengte 17,6 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1236 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1236 hm
Hoogtemeter 2941 m
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