
Urfichten circular hike

General description

Family hike in a spruce wood, 3 ancient 400-500 year old spruces, 40 metres high, with a diameter of 175 cm and a circumference of 550 cm.

Half a century ago, a dozen spruce patriarchs watched over Rifair. Now there are only 3 spruces that have "survived". However, the tranquillity of this natural oasis is still a delight. 

Route description

From the car park at the junction to Rifair/ Rivaira, cross the Rambach brook and take trail no. 9A to the penultimate farmstead. Walk along the irrigation channel path to the first primal spruce, then across the ditch to the other two spruces. The forest trail in the direction of “Lafbach” leads to the bike path and along the Rambach river back to the starting point.

Baby carriage suitability: no
Refreshments: in the restaurants in Taufers/ Tubre

Duur 1:00 h
Lengte 2,4 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 96 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 96 hm
Hoogtemeter 1179 m
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