
Hiking tour along the sun trail

General description

Sonnensteig trail - the theme trail in Upper Vinschgau Valley

There are some interesting points of exploration along this themed route such as the Benedictine abbey, the paths along the irrigation canals (known locally as ‘Waale’) as well as the natural landscape and some of the legends of the Alta Vinschgau Valley. And if you prefer, you can select just specific sections of the themed trail of interest to you. 

Route description

This themed trail starts at the western outskirts of the locality of Burgusio/Burgeis. Passing close to the Marienberg/ Monte Maria Abbey, this first section is called the St. Benedict Trail after the friars who inhabit the abbey. The trail bends right shortly before reaching the Abbey and leads along a slight slope to the northern side of Burgusio, through the centre to the east side of the town. The trail then turns left and across the fields, over the stone bridge and to the Malles Oberwaal irrigation channel trail. Once you’ve reached the Montecin farmsteads, walk across the mountain slope above Tartsch/ Tarces until you get to the Ganglegg archaeological site above Sluderno/Schluderns. Following the Leitenwaal irrigation channel trail, you’ll pass the farms on the mountainside above Sluderno before reaching Spondinig/ Spondigna. The trail ends on the main road near the Spondinig railway station. 

Public Transport: Malles-Burgusio-Sluderno: Citybus - Spondigna – Malles: Venosta Valley train www.sii.bz.it



- The little gnome of Burgusio
- The Witch of Tschirfs
- The Salige Women of Margronda
- The Ogre of Malles
- Tarces Hill
- The Ogre of the landslides
- The Ell larch
- The Spondigna Pony
- The women of the forest
- The Witch 


- Solda torrent Delta: the Prader Sand
- The Malles alluvial fan
- The lark’s song
- Hard times for the terrestrial egg-laying species
- Canals and irrigation - tradition and modernity
- The hedges adorning the landscape
- The Monte Sole mountain: a haven for rare bird species
- The lizard
- The dry grasslands on the Monte Sole mountain
- The Sluderno marshes
- The Venosta Valley microclimate


Description to arrive at destination

Troought the Venosta Valley to Burgusio/Burgeis

Duur 7:00 h
Lengte 20,2 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 392 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 826 hm
Hoogtemeter 1355 m
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