
Alta Rezia Tour

General description

Very challenging top class high-mountain tour with shuttle to the Stelvio Pass.

Alta Rezia refers to the area between Stelvio Pass, Umbrail Pass, Bormio and the Münstetalr Valley. For those who wish to discover the incredible high-Aalpine landscape by mountain bike, this is the ideal tour. The starting point is on the Stelvio Pass or Umbrail Pass (2,490m). From there, the route leads across a trail with few passages where you have to push your bike, to the Bocchetta di Forcola (2,768 m) and further to the Bocchetta di Pedenolo (Sentiero della Pace [Freedom Trail]), to walk across a breathtaking old military road, down to Lago Cancano lake (1,880 m) and Lago San Giacomo lake (requires head for heights). Everywhere evidence can be found of the savage trench warfare at the Ortler front. The descent should only be attempted by bikers who do not have a fear of heights. Alternatively, the descent can be made via the Valle Forcola Valley. Shortly behind Lago San Giacomo lake, we turn off to the Val Mora Valley (1,930m). We cross the beautiful Val Mora up to the Passo Döss Radond Pass (2,235m). From the pass, in the direction of Santa Maria in Val Müstair Valley via the gravel road with short options to take a shortcut, and from there further via the cycle path to Malles/Mals.

Recommendation: Clothing suitable for high-Alpine conditions and a local guide.

Recommendation: clothingadaptedtohighalpineconditionsandlocalguide.
Lengte 98,544 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 3736 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 3736 hm
Hoogtemeter 2768 m
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Begeleide mountainbiketochten met Pradbike
Mountainbiken in en rond Prad betekent afwisseling en trailplezier te midden van de imposante bergen van de Ortlergroep. Mountainbikers die het padennet goed willen verkennen, kunnen deelnemen aan de door Pradbike aangeboden begeleide biketochten en zodoende op het spoor komen van hun ideale trails en singletrails.

Fietsen in het Vinschgau
Op de racefiets of de mountainbike, over almen en panoramaroutes, in het hooggebergte en over single trails terug naar het dal. Natuur en cultuur kun je in het Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol op alle hoogtes met de fiets ontdekken.
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