
Tuggel Tour

General description

Up and down below Piz Salve, Munwartl and Glurnser Köpfl mountains.

From Trafoi, a lift takes you up to the Furkelhütte hut (2,153 m), where you can have a coffee before starting the tour. Then up and down on gravel paths, meadow paths towards the Stilfser Alm  Alpine pasture (2,077 m). Here, another opportunity presents itself to enjoy the panoramic view. Now downhill around 500 metres of height, below the Stilfser Alm to the 6er trail (S1) and forest as well as gravel path downhill to the Faslarhöfe farms (1,550 m), to then carry on uphill again, towards Schartalm Alpine pasture (1,825 m). At the junction Schartalm, take the gravel path towards the Lichtenberger Almen Alpine pastures (2,066 m) to the beautiful Gutfalltal Valley. From the pastures, a lovely trail, with occasional roots and a brilliant panoramic view leads to the Glurnser Alm Alpine pasture (1,978 m). This part is challenging and occasionally requires some skill and fitness. At the pasture, it is worth taking a break and a snack you brought along (Marend).
From the Glurnser Alm Alpine pasture, follow the forest trail downhill up to the town walls of the beautiful little town of Glorenza/Glurns, with its cobbled old town and nice cafés. From Glorenza, briefly follow the road from the south gate of the town wall, then turn right into the meadow path to Prato.

Publicparking belowtheHotelBellaVista.
Lengte 37,241 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 2213 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 965 hm
Hoogtemeter 2272 m
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Begeleide mountainbiketochten met Pradbike
Mountainbiken in en rond Prad betekent afwisseling en trailplezier te midden van de imposante bergen van de Ortlergroep. Mountainbikers die het padennet goed willen verkennen, kunnen deelnemen aan de door Pradbike aangeboden begeleide biketochten en zodoende op het spoor komen van hun ideale trails en singletrails.

Fietsen in het Vinschgau
Op de racefiets of de mountainbike, over almen en panoramaroutes, in het hooggebergte en over single trails terug naar het dal. Natuur en cultuur kun je in het Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol op alle hoogtes met de fiets ontdekken.
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