
Trada Tour

General description

Beautiful tour demanding in terms of fitness with three trail highlights.

The strenuous tour starts in Prato/Prad in the shadow of the Stelvio Pass and the Ortler Range, via the famous Stelvio road in the direction of Gomagoi. In Gomagoi, turn right towards Stelvio/Stilfs and a few metres higher, turn left to the sports field and further to Platz (1,500m). Here, we are welcomed by the gravel path and the meadow trail, leading past the Prader Alm Alpine pasture and, leaving the Furkelhütte hut (2,153 m) at the left-hand side, up and down to the Stilfser Alm Alpine pasture (2,077 m). It is worth stopping and sampling a traditional Venosta Valley dish. The breathtaking panorama in view, the 6er trail with a length of 1.8 km, branches off to the right, below the Stilfser Alm Alpine pasture. Turning left, his very beautiful trail joins the forest path towards Schartalm Alpine pasture. The next reward for the height gain of more than 1,600 metres, presents itself below the Schartalm in a left bend: The 15er trail turns off here, to a short passage where you need to push your bike, before you are rewarded with “something for the soul” (S1/S2). According to the locals, this trail belongs to the most beautiful trails in Venosta Valley and also the 12er trails which joins the 15er trail after a short ride in the woods above the Platzhof farm, does not leave much to be desired, with several tight bends for trail enthusiasts. At Wartamstein, we reach a narrow tarmacked road back to Prato

Tip: Please to not ride the bike on the popular family trails below Wartamstein.

Safety instructions
Note: Pleasedonotdriveonthe busyfamilypaths belowWartamstein.
Lengte 33,999 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1618 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1618 hm
Hoogtemeter 2272 m
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Begeleide mountainbiketochten met Pradbike
Mountainbiken in en rond Prad betekent afwisseling en trailplezier te midden van de imposante bergen van de Ortlergroep. Mountainbikers die het padennet goed willen verkennen, kunnen deelnemen aan de door Pradbike aangeboden begeleide biketochten en zodoende op het spoor komen van hun ideale trails en singletrails.

Fietsen in het Vinschgau
Op de racefiets of de mountainbike, over almen en panoramaroutes, in het hooggebergte en over single trails terug naar het dal. Natuur en cultuur kun je in het Vinschgau in Zuid-Tirol op alle hoogtes met de fiets ontdekken.
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