
Rifugio Forcola

The Furkel Hut is beautifully situated at 2,153 meters above Trafoi in the Venosta Valley and is an ideal destination for mountain enthusiasts. The hut can be easily reached via the Trafoi chairlift or by foot along the well-marked trail No. 17 in about two hours. Once you arrive at the Furkel Hut, you will be welcomed by the cozy sun terrace, which invites you to linger. Here, you can enjoy the fresh mountain air and be enchanted by the impressive views of the heavily glaciated Ortler massif. The majestic glaciers and peaks of the Ortler region create a spectacular backdrop that captivates nature lovers of all kinds. Whether for a short break during a hike or simply to relax – the Furkelhütte offers warm hospitality and culinary delights amidst a breathtaking mountain setting.
21. december - 22. maart
Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa, So
09:00 - 16:00
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Almenwandeling naar Stilfser Almen
Vanaf de parkeerplaats bij het omheinde wildgebied boven Stilfs voert deze mooie wandeling tot aan de Prader Alm en verder tot de Furkelhütte en tot slot de Obere Stilfser Alm. De 12 kilometer lange panoramawandeling is in ongeveer 4 uur te doen.
Wandelen in het Vinschgau – Avontuur en plezier
Van eenvoudige panoramawandelingen tot hoogalpine bergtochten: het uitgebreide net aan wandelpaden in het Vinschgau is net zo afwisselend als de vakantieregio zelf.
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