
Mountain Tour to Piz Chavalatsch

General description

This mountain tour to Piz Chavalatsch promises a unique panoramic view of the Ortler Cevedale mountain range, the mountains of the Swiss Engadin as well as the peaks of the upper and lower Venosta valley.

Route description

Starting from the „Pazzin Schoad“ parking lot, the hike continues along path number 14 to the intersection with path number 14 B. Following this path, you reach the refuge „Tschiggonhütte“ and ultimately the junction with path number 14 A. Above the forest boundary, you follow this path until the „Rifairscharte“, where you continue to path number 14. This leads, without any significant slopes, to the peak plateau which offers breath taking views. For the return journey, we recommend the route via the alpine hut of Montechiaro (path number 14 all the way).

State open
Duur 5:25 h
Lengte 13,7 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1358 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1045 hm
Hoogtemeter 2754 m
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