
On a journey of discovery through “Prader Sand”

General description

The pine forest “Kultur”, the unique torrential stream landscape of the River Solda and dry floodlands of the “Prader Sand” can be experienced via three loop roads with a total length of 4.8 km. 19 interactive stations as well as information tables offer fun and sensory experiences. The loop roads can be walked separately or combined.

Route description

The starting point of the nature trail is at the seedling nursery of Prato, near the public swimming pool. The trails can be accessed via the fishing ponds and below the sports grounds of Prato.

Duur 1:08 h
Lengte 4,492 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 21 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 21 hm
Hoogtemeter 905 m
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Wandelen in het Vinschgau – Avontuur en plezier
Van eenvoudige panoramawandelingen tot hoogalpine bergtochten: het uitgebreide net aan wandelpaden in het Vinschgau is net zo afwisselend als de vakantieregio zelf.
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