
Traditional "Maschger" dance in Prad

Ambachten/Traditie 2-3-2025 - 4-3-2025 Prad am Stilfserjoch
The traditional Maschger dance is an old carnival custom in Prad am Stilfserjoch.

On Shrove Sunday, Shrove Monday and Shrove Tuesday, the Maschger, led by a Bajaz, perform. Good-humoured, masked and exuberant couples parade from inn to inn, where they dance and play tricks according to set rituals.

The masked group consists of eight couples: Mr and Mrs, Farmer and Farmer's Wife, Steyrer and Steyrerin, Tuxner and Tuxnerin, Zillertaler and Zillertalerin, Mohr and Mohrin, Tschigeiner and Tschigeinerin as well as Zoch and Pfott.

As soon as the Maschger enter a tavern, the Bajaz with his pointed hat opens the dancing. Behind him, the eight couples wait in rows of two to make their entrance. The last couple are "Zoch and Pfott", the two roughest characters. They are dressed in rags and are supposed to demonstrate fertility.

Nobody knows the exact origin of this custom or its deeper meaning. It is probably a kind of wedding procession or a dance of death. Nothing more is known.
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Gasthuizen van Prad en omgeving - Prad am Stilfserjoch
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