Selfies on Top - 30 Dreitausender
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Vallelunga high mountain trail

General description

A beautiful high-altitude hike recommended from early summer until late autumn. Starting from Graun/Curon, follow the path signposted no. 5 until you reach the Rossbödenalm alpine pasture (not open to the public). Follow the path signposted no. 4 up to the Pedroßsee lake, then on to the Valzerschartl to the Gschweller lakes and the barracks. On the south ridge of the Nauderer Hennesiegl peak, the track descends to where the path divides. Continue on the left until you reach the path signposted no. 1 in the upper Melagtal valley. The descent is along the path signposted no. 1, steep at first, through the secluded Melagtal valley down to Melag/Melago, from where you can take the bus back to Graun.
Note: The hike can also be started from Melag. There are no refreshment opportunities along this route.

Duur 10:00 h
Lengte 20,9 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1679 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1265 hm
Hoogtemeter 2747 m
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Wandelen in het Vinschgau – Avontuur en plezier
Van eenvoudige panoramawandelingen tot hoogalpine bergtochten: het uitgebreide net aan wandelpaden in het Vinschgau is net zo afwisselend als de vakantieregio zelf.
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