
Hasl-Wieben Mountain Bike Tour and the Holy Hansen Trail

The Holy Hansen Trail is a brilliant MTB trail on the Schlanders Monte Tramontana mountain, which guarantees fun for beginners and advanced.

General description

The Holy Hansen trail was applied by bikers for bikers. The farm tavern Haslhof (1,550 m), after so many curves to satisfy the hunger of trail, awaits the deserved break with wonderful views.

From Haslhof westwards pass two fences and get off right after the flowy S1 trail section in sector 1 and 2. In sector 3 and 4 wait a few S2 and S3 somewhat more difficult to thereafter return to the easier element of fun for everyone. The Holy Hansen crosses repeatedly forest and asphalt paths.

At Wiebenhof follow on asphalt two bends downhill to then turn right into the trail section. Flow pure, spiced with abutting sections, small kickers and faster passages provides this trail section to the crossing of the asphalt road. Take the road uphill for a short stretch and then turn left to continue to enjoy the rest of the trail up to Göflan.

Time regulation for Shuttle transport at Holy Hansen
Monday + Wednesday + Friday: Shuttle from 1 pm
Tuesday + Thursday: Shuttle all day
Saturday: Shuttle until 11.30  am (start last ride)
Sunday: no Shuttle

Official MTB-Shuttles to Trails in Schlanders
Mobil Car Tel. +39 338 5 07 54 62 - Freeride Vinschgau Tel. +39 348 0 42 72 29
Stegges Taxi Tel. +39 335 5 44 06 20 - Vinschgau Shuttle Tel. +39 335 6 82 85 14

Description to arrive at destination

The trail entrance can be reached via Göflan/Covelano at Schlanders/Silandro along the road or the forest road (about 8 km and 800 hm), or on the steeper variation of the forest trail Morter - Morterer Leger (8,5 km and 985 m, then forestry or 7 connection to Haslhof, much forest).


The car can be parked at Schlanders station parking place.

Public transport

By the Venosta train to Schlanders.

Lengte 15,495 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Moeilijkheidsgraad S2
Hoogtemeters bergop 839 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 839 hm
Hoogtemeter 1567 m
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MTB-kaartenset van Val Venosta
De driedelige MTB-kaartenset van Val Venosta geeft informatie over meer dan 100 tours aangegeven (incl. info over de bodemgesteldheid), van Resia/Reschen naar Tel/Töll, van de Ofenpas tot aan het Tiroler Oberland en het Stilfserjoch-gebied.
Gedragsregels voor fietsers
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